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Friday, April 11, 2014

The Shed

About 5 or 6 years ago we acquired a small tin shed about 3 metres wide by 2 metres deep. It was one of those free to good home jobs if you dismantle and remove. The owner had acquired this small urban property and wanted to pretty up the tiny back yard.

A couple of the foil thin panels were a little bent but nothing that couldn't be easily repaired. And absolutely no rust damage. The original plan was to re-assemble it down by the dam as a pump shed. And as usual being short of time it was put into storage in the hay shed while the screws hinges and any other assembly hardware packaged and stored in a safe place,

And then some months ago having found a better use for the shed we'd laid a small platform of recycled pavers in preparation and even brought the shed out of hibernation. A great deal of time was spent sorting through the panels deciphering which pieces were roof panels and which where wall panels etc. These were neatly stacked at the new assembly location.

After a an arduous search of every nook and crony in the workshop, a millimetre by millimetre inspection of the hayshed and every other possible location it was decided that the package of hardware was indeed in a safe location which would be uncovered by an archaeologist in some distant time.

The lack of hardware was not a deterrent. Any good handy man can cope with this minor hiccup.

The big issue was although we had all the panels and strips of joining brackets we had no idea how it all fitted together. This is a step up from those cheap shed kits you buy from  the supermarket where the assembly instructions are in Chinlish.

Today finally after much procrastination it was show time. And as with all procrastinations it was an unwarranted delay. In no time at all the rear wall was assembled in the workshop as was one side wall. Now that there was a clear picture of how the components fit together the rest is a breeze.

Assembly was interrupted by the demands of exercise and the pool beckoned.

The pool guy had yet another previously unused routine designed to punish the body. Every day it is just that little bit harder. We finished off by spending 10 or so minutes with me receiving instruction on the art of pushing off. Apparently, I'm not driving off the wall hard enough or in the best position to get as much distance resulting in expending more energy swimming (thrashing about) than needs to be used.

See how you learn new things to improve your life?


  1. Oh dear! You bring to mind all the unfinished (un started) jobs I have floating around in my mind! Well done on getting going with the shed.

    1. Don't worry this is the tip of the iceberg. There are dozens of other unstarted projects either on paper or buried somewhere between my ears. Maybe it's like good wine i.e. they need to be rested in a dark cool place for a number of years to see how they develop.
