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Thursday, July 25, 2013

Waxing Cheese, Fencing

Nothing exciting this morning with the various herds of expectant mothers.

Having applied the final coat of cheese coating to the Havarti it was time to apply the wax. The Havarti had been quite moist and it has taken about 5 days to dry it sufficiently for the cheese coat. The wax was melted over a very low gas flame  and then applied. The top and bottom were dipped in the molten wax, a label applied to one side and painted over with molten wax and finally the sides were brushed with molten wax and the cheeses refrigerated.

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PVA coated

Finished waxed Result

More Tomato seedlings were ready for transplanting and we were so pleased with the germination speed that we decided to put down some Eggplant and Capsicum seeds. We always have trouble with these seeds, there is something missing in our technique which we are yet to discover. Maybe some one can advise us on a more reliable way.

The afternoon was spent fencing over the river putting in some end stays and hand digging some  of the more difficult holes. Not a bad effort given that we were both fasting.

This a special bracket for these recycled plastic posts to hold the diagonal stay in place. The end of the stay has to be trimmed with a chainsaw at the correct angle and butted against the bracket. As the stay is wedged into its hole in the ground the bracket's teeth bite into the plastic for a firm grip.


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